Add a touch of denim. I'm not certain the guy pissing is Asian. Still a good idea, right?
Some smaller images showing Asian twinks at play.
In my continuing series of men that I would love to drink I present Jeremy Tang, an Asian model that I can think of no possible reason to refuse urinal services 24 hours a day. Let me know where to find him and I'll be there, mouth open and parched.
An interesting video to end the Your online home for sharing dating, pictures, and videos - Thirsty Thai Twink
A short entry to get your juices flowing. I have never told anyone, so I guess you are the first to know. I would love to take the piss of more than one man at the same time, I wonder what OPP would say to that. He is such a prude in some ways, I bet he would call me perverted. Or worse.
Two, three, or how many guys could you gather together at once?
This would be an interesting experience.
One more in that list of men I would gladly serve. Jesse Blum
An interesting video of what I'd like to try Your online home for sharing dating, pictures, and videos - Group Piss
OPP left a little while ago, I've had time to take a soapy shower (necessary) and come back to a normal state. I am not sure why, but our piss life has improved in the last few weeks. Not just for me, but also for him. In the years we have played around he has finally gotten verbal about the pleasure he is finding in piss play. Having reassurance from him increases the feelings of intimacy that is my obsession. I would normally worry that it can't last, but I think I'll just ride the high as long as it lasts. I did a lot of this.
A fair amount of this.
A bit of this.
Some of this.
One more in the endless line of hot men for whom I would shamelessly fall to my knees and gladly accept either a drink or a shower.
Each man involved in watersports whether he be alone, on top or bottom is involved for his own pleasure. Liking piss can allow you the enjoyment on special occasions. Having a penchant for piss will tend to make you seek out the experience more often. If you have a fetish attachment to piss you will only enjoy sex when piss is an intregal part of the experience.
Obssession will drive you to enjoy piss experiences whether or not sex is part of the experience. Your obsession can take many forms. You may seek out restrooms where there is enough action to lead men to uninhibited piss play. You may run through bars with T-shirts or instructions where to piss painted on your body. You may throw yourself at one particular man that complements your need.
Of course there are a thousand variations on those activities or obsessions. You may be one of those men that enjoy watching other men enjoy piss play. If you are, I hope you enjoy this blog.