Thursday, March 4, 2010

Meando musings

Pissing is no longer a private act. For one, I'm glad. However I don't quite understand the movement toward Urinal art. No matter how interesting or how interestingly placed a urinal is still a urinal and the gold I so desperately crave is being wasted every time someone uses one of the porcelain disposals. Men! get real. There are enough of us out there to take all the piss wasted daily, stop wasting your waste! Make a piss drinker happy, recycle.
In tribute to the Olympics. One more man that I would relish enjoying. Apolo Anton Ohno is welcome to come by and shower me or feed me his gold any day, morning, noon or night. He may be small physically but there lies a heart beneath those wiry muscles. I'm on my knees, mouth open, waiting.